Snack Time

This printmaking project was designed to explore traditional drypoint techniques combined with contemporary screen printing patterns to create a series of unique variable editions. The objective was to demonstrate a dynamic interplay between the gestural, organic lines of the drypoint and the structured, repetitive screen-printed patterns. The audience includes peers, art educators, and potential clients who appreciate traditional and modern printmaking approaches. The primary constraints included the manual process of drypoint etching and the necessity to align multiple layers of ink and patterns.

This project blends drypoint etching and screen printing to create unique prints. Each piece uses a distinct color palette to evoke different moods. A geometric screen-printed pattern contrasts with the organic drypoint subject, adding depth and abstraction. Ink variations and layered printing enhance texture and unify the composition. The focus on hand-drawn and analog techniques highlights the tactile quality of the work, setting it apart from digital processes.



